Annie Seifullah, Esq.

Annie Seifullah, Esq. is the Co-Founder of Incendii Law, PLLC, a woman-owned, woman-led law firm in New York City that specializes in fighting powerful, serial predators and abusers. Annie also specializes in supporting victims of technology-facilitated abuse – including victims of cyber stalking and/or cyber harassment, and those who have had their most intimate secrets and private information made public by malicious others. Apart from tech abuse advocacy, Annie represents survivors of sexual abuse looking to recover money damages from individuals who caused them harm – or the organizations that aided or enabled the abuse that they suffered. Annie’s proudest legal achievements include six- and seven- figure payouts to victims of child abuse and sexual assault and countless final orders of protection for individuals escaping physically, emotionally and technologically abusive relationships.

Annie’s ability to deeply connect to her clients and fiercely advocate for them is an outcome of being a survivor of intimate partner violence and image based sexual abuse (formerly known as “revenge porn”). Relying upon her own experiences and advocacy work, Annie authored the book Scarlet Hashtag: Transform Your Public Shame into Your Power to help others who are working to overcome the same. Annie is also the co-chair of the New York Cyber Abuse Task Force, a coalition of agencies, attorneys, and advocates working to end technology-facilitated abuse and is the co-publisher of Combatting Cyber Abuse: A Manual for Advocates (a 200+ page, free PDF download available at

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