Kathy O’Connor

Summary of Qualifications:
Enthusiastic, team-oriented parks and recreation professional with decades of facility, personnel, budget and program management success. Excellent people skills and passion for the value of world-class parks and recreation services.

Aug. 2010 – present – Commissioner, Westchester County Parks, Recreation and Conservation

First nationally accredited county parks department in New York State – 2003. Re-accredited 2008, 2013, 2018, 2024

Chief executive officer for the department consisting of over 240 annual employees and an operating budget of $55 million and serving three million visitors annually. Supervise the administration, planning, organization and operational activities of the department while working closely with the county executive and his staff. Department components include Playland Amusement Park, the Westchester County Center, Muscoot Farm, and more than 45 separate facilities encompassing over 18,000 acres of parkland.

Oversee all aspects of the department, including but not limited to:

  • Projects of the Capital Facilities group, encompassing over 100 individual projects totaling over $250 million;
  • Administration, Personnel and Marketing divisions, which provide services to all our operating divisions processing payroll, payment vouchers, directing public information and marketing supporting the entire PRC range of services to the public. National award-winning web design, magazine and customer service training services.
  • Concession and Contract Management Divisions, handling 300 contracts per year that provide a wide variety of customer services and operational issues. Recreation programs, which serve over 500,000 residents annually. Conservation efforts that help us manage our vast land holdings in the most sensitive way possible including biodiversity research, resource management plans and both species and habitat restoration and protection.
  • Pride in Parks (PIP), a performance-based management system used to drive accountability throughout our agency and has resulted in over 98% of our facilities receiving passing grades annually.

Involved in the entire 2011-2022 budget development process.

Ex-officio voting member of the Westchester County Planning Board.

Ex-officio, non-voting member of the Westchester Parks Foundation board.

Sept. 2006 – Aug. 2010 – Deputy Commissioner, Westchester County Parks, Recreation and Conservation

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, managing 75 annual and hundreds of hourly and part-time staff with operating responsibilities totaling more than $15 million. Supervise the Parks and Recreation divisions and the County Center; 10 facilities with pools, beaches, picnic areas, campsites, playgrounds, and fields. Design, develop and execute the PRC Academy, an annual, four-day intensive leadership training “Boot Camp” for PRC directors, facility managers, and new staff. Designed and executed the opening ceremony for the 2007 Empire State Games at Kensico Dam Plaza, which attracted 15,000 and was the culmination of two years’ planning. Raised funds to cover $200,000 program expense.

Feb. 2003 – Sept. 2006 – Director of Recreation, Westchester County Parks, Recreation and Conservation

Supervised four full-time recreation professionals and 100 part-time staff. Responsible for the organization and management of over 100 programs/events annually, attended by 500,000 patrons. Raised over $250,000 for program support and sponsorship. Member of the PRC accreditation team which worked to achieve national accreditation by the National Recreation and Park Association. First County in New York State history to obtain this accreditation.

Feb. 2003 – Sept. 2010 – Executive Director, Friends of Westchester County Parks, Inc. (non-paid)

Predecessor organization to Westchester Parks Foundation, a not-for-profit partner of PRC.

Dec. 1997 – Feb. 2003 – Assistant Manager, Westchester County Center

Responsible for all activities at the County Center. Designed and executed events with promoters. Handled 200 contracts, with over 1,000 event days annually. Managed a budget of $4 million. Supervised 25 annual staff and 30 hourly staff. Supervised the parking division, a million-dollar business annually and consisting of three parking lots. Supervised capital projects that included the renovations of the interior and exterior of the building. Hosted one million patrons annually. Operated without any tax subsidy including debt services and employee fringe benefits.

1988 – 1997 – Independent Contractor, Westchester County Parks, Recreation and Conservation

1983 – 1988 – Recreation Supervisor, Westchester County Parks, Recreation and Conservation

1980 – 1983 – Program Specialist/Camping, Westchester County Parks, Recreation and Conservation

Directed Mountain Lakes Camp, a 1,100-acre county camp for children, serving more than 2,000 boys and girls during the period. Managed staff of over 100.

1976 – 1980 – Recreation Supervisor, Village of Scarsdale, New York

Responsible for all teen programs, after-school programs, all athletic events, and the municipal pool complex.


Westchester Recreation and Parks Society, Inc.: member 1976 – present; president 1983-1985.

Recipient of Peter J. Mayers Award of Merit – 2009

New York State Recreation and Parks Society, Inc. member since 1976

Vice-President of Programs 1985-1987

National Recreation and Park Association, Inc. member since 1998


B.S. University of Massachusetts – 1975
Leisure Skills and Services, Cum Laude